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The information that we provide on our products is for educational purposes only and is not intended to replace the advice of licensed medical professionals. Our statements have not been evaluated by a Government Health Authority and are based on facts that are widely accepted about certain natural ingredients. The information provided is not intended to be taken as medical advice. Natural products are not intended to replace medications and we can only make recommendations which are accepted entirely at the buyers risk.

You have the responsibility to check that our products will not interfere with any medication or medical conditions that you have. You also accept that some natural ingredients, in rare cases, can cause sensitivity to certain individuals. We cannot be held responsible for this. We provide a full ingredient list for every product that we sell and if you have a sensitivity to a certain ingredient, it is your responsibility to check whether this ingredient is included. In addition to this, product phrases on packaging are meant for humour purposes and are not to be taken literally at all. 

By either viewing our website or purchasing from it, you agree to the statements made in this disclaimer.


What's better than beautiful handmade skincade that repairs and protects your skin? Being rewarded for it.